Esdeves Sarreguemines Majolica Asparagus Plate 1 - Charmantiques
Esdeves Sarreguemines Majolica Asparagus Plate 1 - Charmantiques

Esdeves Sarreguemines Majolica Asparagus Plate 1

Prix régulier €60

A fabulous French majolica asparagus plate by the famous pottery work Esdeves Sarreguemines. Esdeves was a reknowned brand of Sarreguemines for its production of high quality pieces durinf the Art Deco period. 
The colorful decor features charming asparagus, stunning glaze. There are two compartments for the sauce.
It dates from the 1920's. There is the mark Esdeves Sarreguemines France on the back. 
Please take a close look at the photos, they are an integral part of the description. Good condition, no splinter, no crack. Just some signs of ages on the glaze. 
Diameter: 9 5/8" (24.5cm)
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